Coordinate conversion
- Longdo Map API uses the World Geodetic System (WGS84) a coordinate can be converted using proj4js library proj4js
var dms = longdo.Util.locationToDMS(location);
- dms: Degrees Minutes Seconds format
var utmZone = longdo.Util.locationToUTMZone(location); var utmProj = '+proj=utm +zone=' + + (utmZone.hemisphere == 'S' ? ' +south' : '') + ' +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' var utmPoint = proj4(utmProj, [location.lon,])
- ค่า utmZone: Universal Transverse Mercator system
- ค่า utmProj: Projection that you want to convert
- ค่า utmPoint: Coordinates that have been converted
ExampleWGS84 (EPSG:4326)=
UTM (EPSG:32647, EPSG:32648)=