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Link to satellite image from Google Maps
  1. To use the Google Maps with Longdo Map API, you must get a Google Maps API key from Google Maps Platform

  2. Specify your Google Maps account before set base layer
    map.Layers.externalOptions({ googleQuery: 'key=YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY_API' });
    Note: In case of business license, you must use the following function.
    map.Layers.externalOptions({ googleQuery: 'client=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&channel=YOUR_CHANNEL' });
  3. Set Google satellite to base layer

Link to vector image from Mapbox
  1. Get a access tokens from Access Tokens page

  2. Specify your Mapbox account before set base layer
    map.Layers.externalOptions({ mapboxKey: 'YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN' });
    or specify style to access custom map
    map.Layers.externalOptions({ mapboxStyle: '' });
  3. Set Mapbox to base layer