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lat - Variable in class com.longdo.api.type.MapLocation
Invalidated Latitude value.
latToLocationY(double) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
Layer - Class in com.longdo.api
Class contains map's layer data.
Layer(Context, String, int, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_LONGDO - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_TMS - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_WMS - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_WMTS - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LAYER_TYPE_WMTS_REST - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
layerName - Variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
layers - Variable in class com.longdo.api.Map.Tile
layerType - Variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
layerURL - Variable in class com.longdo.api.Layer
LDLog - Class in com.longdo.api.logging
Longdo Map Android SDK logging utility.
LDLog() - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Use static methods of this class instead of create an object.
left - Variable in class com.longdo.api.type.RectD
LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Debug level for any message considered helping in development process.
LEVEL_ERROR - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Error level for report the error that might be a root cause that make application stop working or work improperly.
LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Info level for user information or what user need to know but do not cause any unusual behavior.
LEVEL_VERBOSE - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Verbose level for the lowest priority message.
LEVEL_WARN - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Warning level for report an error but this error does not cause application to stop or crash.
Line - Class in com.longdo.api
A Line on map
Line() - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.Line
Line(String) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.Line
Line(MapLocation[]) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.Line
At least 2 locations must be given.
Line(String, MapLocation[]) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.Line
At least 2 locations must be given.
location - Variable in class com.longdo.api.Map.Tile
locationToTileNumber(MapLocation, int) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
Convert MapLocation to tile number
locationToTileNumber(double, double, int) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
Convert cx, cy and zoom level to tile number
locationXToLon(double) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
locationYToLat(double) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
log(int, String, Object) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.logging.LDLog
Log a message with log level and tag.
lon - Variable in class com.longdo.api.type.MapLocation
Invalidated Longitude value.
longClick(Pin, Pin[]) - Method in class com.longdo.api.Pin
LONGCLICK_BUNDLE_LAT - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Map
LONGCLICK_BUNDLE_LON - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Map
LONGCLICK_BUNDLE_TILENUMBER - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Map
LONGCLICK_BUNDLE_ZOOMLEVEL - Static variable in class com.longdo.api.Map
longClickOnMap(MotionEvent) - Method in class com.longdo.api.Map
LongdoBoxLayer - Class in com.longdo.api
LongdoBoxLayer(Context, String, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.LongdoBoxLayer
LongdoLayer - Class in com.longdo.api
LongdoLayer(Context, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.longdo.api.LongdoLayer
longitudeLength(double) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
lonToLocationX(double) - Static method in class com.longdo.api.Map
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